Volunteer With Us!
Volunteering for Cats in Tow can be fun and richly rewarding. You can choose to volunteer in Brea at Petsmart, Anaheim at our Sanctuary, or right in your own home as a foster parent. Every minute you spend, whether cuddling, mopping, playing, or cleaning litter boxes, is helping to prepare pets to find their forever homes. What YOU do matters!
Brea PetSmart

Our volunteers act as Cat Ambassadors when they care for our cats during 3 shifts per day, 7 days a week. Through patience, play, and interaction, our volunteers help our cats move from abandonment to adoptable. Shift assignments depend on the volunteer’s availability and open shifts at the time of application. An on-site orientation is held. Volunteers are on probation until reviewed.
Feeding, socializing, and playing with our kitties
Cleaning cages
Conducting "Meet and Greet" sessions with potential adopters

Anaheim Sanctuary & Transition Center
Feeding, socializing, and playing with our cats and dogs
Various cleaning tasks
Where it all began! The Sanctuary and Transition center has cats and dogs in both caged and uncaged environments. Volunteers help us with socializing, walking, and interacting with cats and dogs. Cleaning activities such as litter box maintenance, mopping floors, cleaning yards and porches are also some of the volunteer needs. If you have handyman skills we can always use some maintenance! An on-site orientation is conducted where we discuss your animal handling experience and goals. Hours per week and day / time will be determined during your first visit.
Normal days of operation: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1-6pm.

That’s right, you can be an angel to an abandoned pet right in your home. It’s called being a foster parent, and it is truly one of the most rewarding ways to save a life. You are the person that is with the pet everyday: feeding, socializing, and getting the pet ready for its forever home. The more foster homes we have, the more pets we can save. All you need is the space and the willingness to love a pet for a short period of time.
For more information, email catsintow@gmail.com. Get a head start on being a foster parent by filling out the application and agreement.